Guidelines for writers

Vintage typewriter on blue and yellow background - For writers

Welcome to Lilyvolt, and thanks for your interest in writing for us!

Lilyvolt is a website for Gen Xers (born from around 1965 to 1980). While we cover some nostalgia, the main focus is on reaching people of our generation where they are now: in short, middle age. But we’re not living your mama’s middle age

Updated regularly, we’re always looking for ways to help our readers improve and enjoy their lives by providing them with information, insight and entertainment.

Please check us out, and let us know what you think we don’t yet have but should!

Our main topic silos:

  • you (health & wellness, style & beauty, exercise & fitness, aging)
  • your people (family & friends, romantic relationships, parenting, grandparenting, your parents)
  • everyday life (tech, money)
  • food & drink (recipes, food info)
  • home (home decor, gardens & backyards, cleaning & organizing)
  • fun (holidays & celebrations, travel, activities, hobbies, entertainment, pets)

Our sites are primarily freelance written. We are looking for articles based on research and interviews, presented with a friendly, accessible approach, and — of course — written for our audience.

Feature articles run anywhere from 500-1500 words, depending on the subject and on a case-by-case basis, and may be serialized.

We accept some personal essays (acceptance is more likely if photographs are included), but are not publishing fiction or poetry.

Please check us out, and let us know what you think we don’t yet have but should!


We currently are able to offer $35 to $75 per feature article (dependent upon several factors, including length of article, topic and past writing experience) and $10 to $25 for first-person pieces and reprints. Rates for special projects (ongoing work, a series, etc.) may be negotiated.

How to submit a query

If you’re interested in writing for us, please contact us at [email protected]. Please email us your query and a list of/links to published clips.

Query letters (via email only) should include:

  • A brief summary of your proposed article
  • A suggested title and/or SEO term(s)
  • Who you plan to interview
  • What you plan to include (and/or exclude) from your article
  • Proposed article length
  • Approximately how long it will take you to write the piece

Please include quotes from diverse sources — including people of different races, socioeconomic status, genders, sexual orientations, where possible.

Note: Query for seasonal articles five to six months in advance.

Spec work: You may include your article for review, but please paste the article in the body of your email message, do not send it as an attachment. Please also include a brief bio with your submission, and please clearly state if it is a reprint, and if so, where it was published.

Other articles: We do not accept sponsored posts, “free” articles, paid links, link swaps, etc.

Also see