About us

Lilyvolt com for Gen X

Technically we’re getting older… but that’s just our bodies.

Our minds still think the ’80s were 20 years ago at most, can still sing along with every word of pretty much every song that came out between 1960 and 1990, and remember religiously tuning in to Saturday morning cartoons on TV — and spending the long, hot summers of our youth playing outside from sun-up to sundown.

Sure, middle age can suck — but we’re in this together, which means we hope to help make it suck a little less.

Yes, this site’s for you, Gen X! Now all the cool kids from the 70s, 80s & 90s have a place to call their own. You’ll find helpful and entertaining lifestyle features, along with news and other quick hits that will keep you in the know about the latest info for Generation X (peeps born between 1965 and 1980).

It’s taken us all a long time to get here, so let’s make the most of what we’ve got!

Who we used to be: Myria.com

We’re Betsy Bailey and Nancy J Price, and we’ve been kickin’ around the internet constantly since the mid-1990s.

Since 1998, the two of us operated the site Myria.com. For much of its run, it was a site for moms… and was even the mother of one of the biggest websites for women, SheKnows.com. As the original founders of SheKnows, we stayed on with the company until it was the #1 site for women back in 2012.

Our final incarnation of the Myria.com site was converted into the Lilyvolt site you see now in December 2021.

How this all began, and where it went

It’s kind of a cool story. We met online, set up a company together, started several websites, worked side-by-side across the country for years, launched a couple of print magazines… and then finally met in person with a whole camera crew there to capture the moment for televised posterity.

Later we both moved to the Phoenix metro area in Arizona, brought on new partners, grew and grew our business, and eventually sold the company that we’d spent so many long years building. Woo!

About Lilyvolt and Myria - Nancy and Betsy

That gave us more time with our kids — we have 10 between us (!) and now one grandbaby each, too (!!) — and opened the doors to all kinds of other opportunities.

Nancy started a few more websites, including the vintage & retro wonderland ClickAmericana.com, while Betsy had a variety of offline adventures.

Then in 2017, Kyle Cox, one of our Arizona business partners, invited us to lead the editorial team for a dynamic USA Today project called Grateful. While it only lasted about 2-1/2 years, it was a wild ride that eventually inspired us to create something new again: a site for Gen Xers.

While Nancy still soaks up the Arizona sun (yes, it’s a dry heat — really!), Betsy has traded cacti for snowflakes in her new Minnesota home.

About our name

What’s in a name? We were inspired by Lilyvolt, an awesome band from the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1990s. After the name lay dormant for more than two decades, we thought it was worthy of a revival. (Nancy was married to the drummer — the guy on the far right — and he gave us his blessing to use the name.)

It had all the elements we were looking for: easy to spell, easy to pronounce, and included both feminine and masculine elements.

1990s band Lilyvolt
1990s band Lilyvolt – L to R: Steve C, Greg M, Michael P, Kate D, Steve P

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